Anonymous ID: 30647e Sept. 29, 2018, 12:09 p.m. No.3250960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1010



  1. The Kavanaugh sex scandal is serving as a distraction from the already-proven reason he should not be on the Supreme Court.


Brett Kavanaugh has received near-round-the-clock coverage over the last week. However, absent from that coverage was the fact that this man is an enemy to the Fourth Amendment and his track record shows that he’s more than willing to turn America into a police state.


Kavanaugh is on record supporting warrantless searches and increased deep state surveillance of innocent Americans. Kavanaugh not only thinks there it is okay for the police state to trespass on your property and track your every move with no warrant and despite having evidence of a crime, but he advocates for it.