Anonymous ID: bd81c9 Sept. 29, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.3250905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0944 >>1027

Coming Events?


The month of October is going to be transformational for the United State of America.

RED OCTOBER = Revolution, removal of OLD GUARD, We The People…

WHITE SQUALL = Sudden violent STORM, highly localized and short in duration


10/3 Confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh


10/3 POTUS alert “test” (The Storm is upon us…) will commence at 2:18pm

10/3 [RR] removed from power

10/4 ]SESSIONS[ activated (NEW GUARD begins coming out of shadows)

10/4 Horowitz & Huber Opening Act

10/5 Indictments begin to be unsealed

10/5 Gowdy appointed DAG

10/7+ Days of darkness (10)

11/6 Election day - RED WAVE

11/11 Veterans Day – What a wonderful day!


FREEDOM - POWER TO THE PEOPLE - The future remains to be written.