Anonymous ID: cf18bb Sept. 29, 2018, 12:05 p.m. No.3250900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0935

Notice how Q uses chess metaphors?

So did Zbigniew Brzezinski

He wrote this book, only 223 pages

But it explains how the Illuminati planned

to take total control of the world.

He forget to mention that they also were busy

Subverting the USA and returning the world

To monarchy with US oligarchs as the new

World Monarchy.


The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperative


On page 40 we read:


To put it in a terminology that hearkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.


Much of these plans have already been destroyed by Putin's leadership of Russia and rebuilding of a better Soviet Union through the EAEU (a better EU) and the SCO (a better NATO).


However, the Deep State is essentially a globalist movement inside the US circles of power, and Russia also struggles with its own internal globalist movement. The globalist movements of all countries are aligned with each other through the Bilderberg Commission which attempts to provide Monarchist control and governance outside the so-called governments of the individual countries.


Monarchism is a form of Nihilism.

The NWO is the Nihilist World Order

That will impose the monarchist vission

Of the Nazis on the world.

If you do not fully believe and embrace the fact

That the Nazis won World War II, then you are in the wrong place.

We are still in the midst of Chancellor Hindenberg's plan

To unite all the German peoples under one Monarch

Which would be the World Monarch


The philosophical and political roots

Of the NWO are all German, and even the so called Jews

Are fundamentally a German people who come

From the same origins in the Turkic empires

Of Central Asia that built Khazaria

Created the Chinese Empire,

The Korean empire

The Japanese empire

And the Russian empire

German nobles from Khazaria became

The monarchical families ruling

All of Europe.

Anonymous ID: cf18bb Sept. 29, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.3250949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0983

Some people are so totally obsessed with the Jews

That they didn't notice that the Cabal

Are Nihilists

Jew is an irrelevant detail

It is NIHILISM that brought the world COMMUNISM


And the NEW WORLD ORDER based on nihilist ideals

Like political correctness


Now the founders wanted a Novus Ordo Seclorum


But they had a very different view of it.


The Nihilist/Social Darwinists/Scientific Monists

Have infiltrated everything in society to push their view

Of my way or the highway

When you tell me my way or the highway your opinion

Stops at your property line

A society can live with that


But the Nihilists want the elite to make the decisions

And IMPOSE them on everybody

So that the people become sheep who obey orders


I don't really care whether they call themselves liberals or progressives

Or capitalists or fascists or feminists or activists

If they are proposing a NIHILISTIC view of society and politics

Then they are wrong


There must be debate, ALWAYS

There must be disagreement, ALWAYS

There must be competition, ALWAYS

Because that is what uplifts us and makes us strive to succeed.


Nihilists were a subgroup of the Nazis


Technocracy was a nihilist political philosophy that sprouted in North America as a reaction to Communism.


Zbigniew Brzezinski took their plans to the Rockefellers and they used it as the basis of the Trilateral Commission. Technocracy was created by mostly engineers, and the Trilateral Commission was where the elite wealthy powerbrokers adopted the plan and made it their own.


If you want to see where they were coming from, read this


The parallels to the Europeans and their Club of Rome with Limits to Growth should be obvious.


Watch the Water