Anonymous ID: 3e93c4 Sept. 29, 2018, 12:56 p.m. No.3251695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1709 >>1727



Flake-y FBI Thread - 1

A. At first glance I was discouraged by (what a) Flake's appeal for FBI to investigate for 1 week.

B. I thought "No…No more delays" vote, asap

C. I realized rushing it through is what u have 2 do if u r afraid, if u r afraid something else will come out

D. Ford supplied no real or tangible evidence that can be investigated

E. But she did testify under oath, so what could the FBI find.

F. They could find who paid 4 lie detector test, who leaked her story, They can also search Ford's phone, email, &social media

G. After Kavanaugh testimony I believe him & I dont think any additional false accusers or claims is going 2 do any damage bc they wont be "credible"

H. Dr. Fords testimony & accusations aren't credible either. The only reason we r hearing about it is politics

I. Law of unintended consequences, so if you have no doubts about Kavanaugh being a serial sex offender, then what can the FBI find?

J. They will have little to go off of 36 years ago, they can interview the supposed witnesses but they've all denied

K. So Flake could be putting the death nail in the Democrats for simply being a "Flake" pun intended

L. The FBI will find evidence that exposes Dr. Fords left leaning bias, but also the left leaning connections

M. By researching the phone calls, texts, emails there will be a trail. This will discover where the story and plot came from in the 1st place.

From the person who has the most to lose by Kavanaughs appointment

N. All roads lead to Hillary