Anonymous ID: 913848 Sept. 29, 2018, 1 p.m. No.3251737   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3250570 4117


HRC already had her network setup dating back to Billy Blythe's days after office.

“So now we know that, contrary to her statement under oath suggesting otherwise, Hillary Clinton did not turn over all her government emails,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “We also know why Hillary Clinton falsely suggests she didn’t use account prior to March, 18, 2009 – because she didn’t want Americans to know about her February 13, 2009, email that shows that she knew her Blackberry and email use was not secure.”


Hillary Clinton turned to online retailer eBay to pick up older model Blackberry devices to be used with her private email server, a House committee chairman says.


'We have a huge problem with personnel,' Utah representative Jason Chaffetz said at an American Enterprise Institute forum in Washington Wednesday.


'I don't want to get into this too much, but part of what was happening with the secretary of state was, she was acquiring technology that wasn't even supported by Blackberry,' Chaffetz said, the Washington Examiner reported.


'You couldn't buy it. She was actually buying this stuff off of eBay because somebody was selling their old machine. That's what she liked, so she did. It creates this huge vulnerability. And it's unnecessary.'


Her comms were comp'd from day whatever and SecState and the FOIA from JW shows that blackberry was her thing and she denied it.


Though the date also goes with the Colgan Flight with Beverly Eckhart and Alison Des Forges (can nearly swear an anon posted her picture recently) and HRC meeting with Aboul Gheit, it always seems there are two to three other items that originate from anything HRC related.


What did Brett Kavanaugh learn while investigating the Clintons back in the day? Makes the photo of Hillary and whomever a bit more intriguing…