Anonymous ID: b0f26f Sept. 29, 2018, 12:59 p.m. No.3251722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1747 >>1817

Quick theory about China:


A friend of mine, a person working in a municipality in sweden in the energy sector, have had two trips to china, bought and payed for by tax money. The initiative was from China and the explanation was that they wanted to learn about western energy administration on a municipality level. Seems legit, nothing really strange with that.


But when my friend came home after the second trip he was kind of convinced that china was really a pretty clean country and the western view was wrong. Also he was kind of convinced that the chinese political system (ruling group ruling for as long as they want, controlling all essential resources, land, etc) was quite terrific because “things were really getting done there”. He had obviously been toured around to chosen places but had never really reflected about that just as you would expect from an average swedish dude, or liberal democrat anywhere for that matter. Indoctrination: "It's offensive to think that someone might try to manipulate me, so I reject any thought down that road."


So, if we assume many countries are (to the cabal) in different degrees testbeds of different ways to rule over people and learning dynamics there of to refine the way in which they plan to rule the whole planet (which will not happen, KEK!) Then it seems as they have in some way found what they would call a “success” in china and trying to spread seeds of it into other cultures in preparation for future planned changes.


Just a thought.