Anonymous ID: b4ab16 Sept. 29, 2018, 12:39 p.m. No.3251402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1518

Why would Flake speak to [RR] just prior to the committee vote? We know Flake is a RINO. We know he is buddies with the Left. The Left intimidated him prior to the vote in the other room - a closet-like room with "up to 12 senators in the corner". He's just gotten off of the elevator from being accosted by Soros-backed fake rape survivor, and has now has Dems in his face. He calls DAG Rosenstein. Why call him? To ask if he will bless a call for FBI investigation into the sexual assault allegations? Or was it to get his marching orders from [RR] who is playing ball with Q Team? Did [RR] tell him to make the FBI concession, but obscure his action by actually voting YES with no real guarantee that the floor vote was going to wait? Feinstein seemed like she failed to grasp what was transpiring in the moment, much like the victim of a street hustle. I'm just thinking aloud here anons, lots of unanswered questions but worthy of considering the puzzle to find missing pieces.