Don't give personal info.
Tits or GTFO
Well, they are paying you. Minimum wage for this thin gruel, I suspect.
But help us out a bit and ask for a raise.
Eat this.
If you shills could actually, I dunno, rise above rooky level shit posting, maybe someone would.
Sauce it eBot.
Sergeant Harr Snapper-Organs of the Yard.
I like fucking with shills and bots. My autism. And research, but my thing isn't private eye. Physics/science/econ/money/ that kindA THING. kNOCK YERSELF out though. Love to read it.
KK thx bai
It's a fucking weed dumbass. How can you be against a fucking plant.
Have a manufactured adult beverage and think about it.
See, I rest my case. I USE that meme dingledurp.
Look, the folks that clean this shit in SanFran make more than you do. It's a match for your skills. Go apply.
I can read it though.
But after her performance, I believe she is a Clown trainer, and is a PHD. So why bother.
And, to cop a phrase, what diff does it make anyway?