Anonymous ID: d4d4bd Sept. 29, 2018, 12:56 p.m. No.3251680   🗄️.is đź”—kun



very nice Anon.


a meme about the Congress Sexual Harassment fund, that the taxpayers support, would be timely.


Congress owes taxpayers answers about its harassment 'shush' fund



The CAA (Congressional Accountability Act ) sought to make changes in how Congress dealt with charges of sexual harassment against its members and staff, too. Prior to enactment of the law, a victim of sexual harassment by a member of Congress had virtually no legal recourse at all. With whom would such a victim lodge a complaint or seek redress?


So the CAA created the “Office of Compliance” to deal with such issues. Complainants (VICTIMS) begin the dispute resolution process with a mandatory (yes, really) course of counseling that can last up to 30 days. Only after completing the compulsory counseling may a complainant pursue mediation. That, too, can last up to 30 days. If mediation fails to resolve the issue to the complainant’s satisfaction, she or he can then go to an administrative hearing, or file a federal lawsuit.


Here’s the kicker: If the dispute is resolved in favor of the complainant (read: victim), funds for the settlement don’t come out of the offender’s personal bank account, or his or her campaign account. Instead, they come out of a secret account maintained by the Office of Compliance. It is so secret, in fact, that taxpayers don’t even know they are funding it.