Anonymous ID: d9f6a4 Sept. 29, 2018, 12:33 p.m. No.3251314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1620 >>1958



>We HAD the votes to immediately call for the vote to proceed to the floor, and vote on Tuesday (Senate rules required a delay so the final vote was not happening immediately in any circumstance).

>Swamp fought back and caused Flake and a couple more to waffle and ask for an FBI investigation (desperation play to delay even a week)

>They thought if Flake cracked the door they could push in and force an investigation without limited time or scope.

>Grassley et. al. roll their eyes and say yeah OK we are waiting to vote anyways, let's deflate your little hope balloon. The FBI can "supplement the background check" with only information pertaining to "current credible" allegations, 1 week MAX

>In other words, the FBI takes a few days to interview 5 people and obtain literally the same statements Congress already has, and turns in the 302s. They completely ignore all other allegations and propaganda.

>The Senate still holds the final vote next week, maybe having lost a whopping and irrelevant 1-2 days total, in exchange for an even cleaner victory and more vindication for Kavanaugh


What is it you anons are having trouble understanding here?

How are you still allowing yourselves to get so fucking shook by a little background noise?

How do you not have the vision by this point to see the reality and ignore the gaslighting?


Kavanaugh is getting confirmed, and RED OCTOBER will follow.

Anonymous ID: d9f6a4 Sept. 29, 2018, 12:40 p.m. No.3251416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1479



This just seems like a marker for either retardation or being comped.

There really isn't much else to explain how an American Patriot would continue the propaganda at this point.

Pretty disappointing.