>We’re all tired anon. Tell your mom not to watch the news until this is cleared up.
My poor ma...taking care of Daddy 24/7 visits from kids provide relief and she cannot even turn on the television. She's scared...like many of our elders are. 80 year old people don't need to be afraid to go to the grocery store unless they scrape the Trump sticker off their car.
SRLSY this shit has got to stop.
>Ask yourself why his confirmation is such a hastle. Compare it to Gorsuch.
OK I was responding to a post claiming Kavanaugh was a swamp creature...illogical given the amount of fight the left is putting up. It is my feeling Kavanaugh knows where bodies are not only buried, but who killed them. Bush backing him is troublesome (aka that's just fucking weird)....it's like one giant psyops to put that man's kids through this bullshit for what?
His kids had nothing to do with his purported swampyness. Why nominate a swamp creature only to get him shot down? The stupidity of that line (he's really a swamp creature the left really wants him they're just torturing his kids for fun and the President is enjoying this)....what absolute fucking bullshit. OMG so many people walked away from the left, this is working for us..we will win MIDTERMS...yeah...and if I had any trust left in my bones for voter integrity I might believe this...but the way these criminal fake allegations have been allowed...Feinstein having a chink spy for years...ignored...
I do not even know what show is what at this point. I know what I want to believe (Q) but jaysus fucking H christ....this has gone on long enough.
ALL this nomination process is doing for centrists and independents like myself whom the "right" is literally counting on to win midterms is making US alienated because of the ultra right push on RvW aka the right of the government to tell you what you can do with your body. (insert fallacious religitard arguments)..when in reality doing away with abortion will FLOOD welfare and make things even worse. I for one have zero issues with abortion and honestly no one I know does...yet I come on the Internet and see the righttards whining and crying and making it their sole SCOTUS argument (despite the FACT that the Constitution limits the rights of the gov. to tell people what to do with their body, despite the FACT that limited government means that, despite the fact that the government cannot support RELIGION and abortion is solely a religious issue.
This damn thing is supposed to be for all of us but this board is increasingly leaning JIDF ultra right. At this point I feel lucky we still get bewbs.
I'll tell you this for free, keep abortion your primary issue and the rest of us (aka non religitards) are gonna walk away. The right of the government to dictate what anyone does with their own body is going to lead you idiots no where good...like death panels and forced organ donations (hey it's about saving a life right thus you should be FORCED to save a life).
Q's appeal to emotion aka prayer is carefully crafted, and honestly the whole JIDF push to make sure xians continue to support their asshattery...we're lucky we can still debate the JQ on a chan without the stupid ass right wing religitards clutching their pearls and gasping.
Why the flipping fuck can't we literally ban religious talk from politics? I'll tell you why...the endless stupid shits in this country who put their sky fairy shit above anything else.