Q team wont even meet or declassify these fucking documents
what utter pussies
Q team wont even meet or declassify these fucking documents
what utter pussies
Q is a 1995 "Rock The Vote" campaign
I hope everyone fucking shafts this stupid Trump Rally tonight, bunch of morons yelling for a non-happening
fucking hicks
Faget Q posts on 8ch becuase he's too embarassed to see the comments available for reply on 4ch
Brilliant this dumb dickhead says……..idiot they got buttfucked on Friday
AT VERY BEST this is a desperation play
get fucked
anon is this a depiction of a pedofile that is obviously a pedofile that Q has plenty of "evidence" to move on
ohhhhhhh but they wont because of blah blah blah blah lying fucking morons
Hey Q
I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's brilliant really
Ok, why not just ask them to play nicely. BOOM
So when Q says "these people are stupid"
now you know why they cant even control a vote, because dipshits like you are retarded
Remember to Rock The Vote anon because that's all this is
Also…..does the WWG1WGA include all you white people yelling NIGGER to your fellow black anons?
these people really are stupid. wow. makes sense now
The stupid fucking airplane seat is a 1st class seat to Cabo from all the merch Q has pawned on you lemmings
ahahahahah get it Q
get that $
Thanks anon. I get Q isn't even fucking registered to Vote
how funny / obvious would that be
Remember to Trust Sessions anons
sooooooo I'm on Q's level you're saying
you know…..the doing dick part? were you trying to agree with me or
Uh huh
How is the production of that server coming along?
What about the Awan case?
OMG I forgot, that is for the GitMo and military tribunals that Q literally said is a 20% possibility at this point
Get fucked…..go buy a lolli and make sure you put a Register to Vote sign on your lemonade stand little girl
Also Trust the FBI with this SCOTUS seat too
I'm sure they are on the up and up fuckstick
Dont worry about anything go play on Xbox Live