Anonymous ID: 29dbca Sept. 29, 2018, 3:37 p.m. No.3254334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4359 >>4935


This is from Sandy Mendler's Facebook. She is Christine Blasey Ford's sister in law and also lives in the Bay Area.


Somebody please go save her page before she takes it down. It has been discovered and Trump supporters are commenting on it.

Sandy Mendler Facebook page.


Sandy Mendler

October 20, 2017 ·

To reiterate: Pay attention to what is actually happening in the House of Representatives. The rest is DIVERSION, at this point!

While we are all sidetracked by Trump/Pence and the NFL, Trump vs. Puerto Rico, Harvey Weinstein & the Sexual Predation of All Hollywood, the Russian Hacking of the election, or the MLB American League Division Playoffs this week, it's worth noting that the following bills have been introduced in the House of Representatives:

  1. HR 861 to Terminate the Environmental Protection Agency (Like to breathe? This one is not for you.)

  2. HR 610 - Vouchers for Public Education (which may end free public education as we know it)

  3. HR 899 to Terminate the Department of Education (which may lead to greater disparity between states but nobody who uses public education ever moves so it's all good)

  4. HR 69 to Repeal the Rule Protecting Wildlife (nobody likes nature anyway, right?)

  5. HR 370 to Repeal the Affordable Care Act (didn't we already try this umpteen times?)

  6. HR 354 to De-fund Planned Parenthood (because exactly none of your tax dollars go toward abortion services)

  7. HR 785 - National "Right to Work" (this one is actually a 'Right to fire you whenever your boss feels like it" law, and it would effectively end unions)

  8. HR 83 - Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Bill (California should just secede now and take all its money)

  9. HR 147 to Criminalize Abortion (“Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act”) (because these private decisions should be made by your legislator and employer)

  10. HR 808 to Impose Sanctions Against Iran (even though they are in compliance with the agreement according to those in the know)

Please copy/paste and share widely! (Copying and pasting works better than sharing a post like this.)
