Anonymous ID: 956eeb Sept. 29, 2018, 3:51 p.m. No.3254560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Working on research pointing to this whole thing being the actor front in order to manage population. TV has been the trojan horse and main tool. Now that it's being used against the ones formerly in control of it all, film, music, psyop film, documentaries (historical fiction), education, hollywood in all forms, they don't know what to do.


But the same is for the actors combating them. They must use the drama of tv to slowly bring people up to speed. Problem is, people are now able to get so far ahead of the elephant that we as a group become way more powerful in terms of influence and rallying true, unpaid support. The left is used to being bankrolled by the billions and could buy and continue to buy actors in all forms to step in at any time to build or destroy whatever the fuck they want.


Is it any wonder that pedos could gain control of this shit when all you have to do is shoot electron beams through a cathode ray tube nee LED right into the brain of your mark/cattle/sheep/target and get them to do anything you want them to.


We get to see the manufacturing of actors in real time. Instead of planned false flags where the shooter/bomber/terrorist-sim can be given a brief but fake history to loosely back up the story.


Problem for the human is the emotional hijack nature. Try to dispute the number 6,000,000 in certain circles and now you are hilter. It is difficult to argue with that logic. Or that maybe many if not most of the 9/11 victims are simulated. This usually causes most people to lose their shit. I'm just asking a question! The hijack is the emotional linkage to belief. Once belief in any form is confronted, the only available response to a decent, truth-bomb attack is to simply label, judge, accuse, dismiss. No ability to defend other than through proven false beliefs that can't stand up to any scrutiny but the emotional wall of nuclear defense is able to absorb all attacks because, "My GOD how can you question the dead children/people/firefighters/jews/mexican/blacks/whites/pickyours.!" It's a hysterics game and one that can only be beaten through constant hammering of facts and also having the ability to get shit done. That is what we lack here. This is a TV war. These are The Days of Our Lives, only reality show for the TV suckers (guilty). That's the thing. This is our matrix reality. We should all be tinkering with our flying cars, instead we are keyboard digging for a fucking TV show that we've been programmed to care about.


Is the hijack of this country by fucking freaky criminal new world order psycho satanists a real thing? Yeah! That's why we fucking care. But I'm questioning the Emmanual Goldstein nature of this thing. They even call it a fucking Movie in 3 Acts now. "Programming sponsored by ______", We are the programmed. I'm guilty of it and there's a shit-ton of films that wag the dog their middle finger right in your smug binary-programmed belief-based operating system.


I'm glad for this place. These eternal puzzle pieces are fascinating. But I'm questioning the nature and design of the very game itself. It's real-time "Tribal Wars", "Sims", or "Call of Duty". It's starting to seem a little fucked. (I wish PKD could see these times).

Anonymous ID: 956eeb Sept. 29, 2018, 4:05 p.m. No.3254757   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is what cyber war looks like. Hilarious. "Shots fired!" I think we'll be ok. This will be the biggest army of typists ever assembled to do battle. "You sank my battleship!" Prepare for more incoming attacks by "Twitter" and Google" ! It's realz!


"AHHHHHH I'm hit!!!! Server 1 down!!! The BLUE WAVE incoming!!!


Diamond & Silk are cultural leaders now. And we have actor/politician/preachers who we watch (on TV btw) and care about their fuckery. If they are guilty of half of what we have evidence on, they should be executed immediately. Cancer to humanity. But they never do.