Urban Dictionary:
FORD - Fuck or Reenter Daily
Urban Dictionary:
FORD - Fuck or Reenter Daily
Urban Dictionary:
Avenatti - (verb) to pimp
Ford wanted a 2nd entry in high school also.
The FBI investigation is a plus
It is the only way to save Kav's reputation, and clear his name. Plus, the Dems will be destroyed in the process.
Facts win
Kav should have just said, yes I laid on top of that skank and it took me a minute to push her off.
I think it's a good idea that you not vote
Urban dictionary:
Avenatti = creepy porn lawyer
Is Ford a tranny?
Who got lots of Tang in the 80s?
Freddy raped me in the 3rd grade, but I almost didn't realize it because his benis was microscopic.
Exit questipon: is it rape if it's only 0.3 mm long?
It's a 10 year everyday rally.
GEOTUS is at the rally. He will speak in a couple of minutes.
Trump will 'drink beer' from the podium
Why did Democrats lynch so many people?
Ford is gonna blow a gasket this week.
Ford has been seeing a shrink for at least 6 years.
I drank a six pack of MAGA so far.
The God King is live