Anonymous ID: db2686 Sept. 29, 2018, 4:10 p.m. No.3254862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4908 >>4915 >>4940 >>5019

During Hurricane Florence, everything was shut down but a few grocery stores and the local bar. I go to the bar on day 3. A lot of people in there. This old couple comes in, at least 70. They get a drink and the women proceeds to ask everyone if they are voting. She says it is extremely important that everyone vote and vote republican. I was like go granny! everyone agreed. No one said I’m sitting it out. No one said anything bad about Trump. Everyone wholeheartedly agreed how important this is. I was quite surprised. The whole bar was voting red. They appear to know how important this election is, maybe not to the depth we do, but they don’t have to.