Anonymous ID: 1763e1 Sept. 29, 2018, 5:16 p.m. No.3256104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6252 >>6374 >>6410 >>6517

>>3255213 (lb)

Copypasta from last bread.


Baker please add to notables

Maybe something like “Anon lays out true importance of the midterms and our involvement”


I think I finally understand why Q has been so focused on the midterms:

This whole movement has always been about WE THE PEOPLE. We aren’t just supposed to sit idly by and wait for some faceless heroic entity to save us from the cabal. We have to stand up and fight for ourselves. We have to make our voices heard loudly and clearly. We have to be involved in the process. We have to willingly participate in our own liberation. We, as a nation, have to CHOOSE to fight back and defeat them. And the only way to do that, outside of unnecessary violence and bloodshed, is through our votes.

Nothing really happens to humanity as a whole unless humanity wills it upon itself. The cabal corrupts this idea by manipulating us into CHOOSING slavery, into voluntarily offering them our wrists for them to slap on the shackles. The whole point of Q has always been to get us to break free of them ON OUR OWN. We have always had this power, we just “forgot how to play the game.”

Of course there are things we simply cannot do for ourselves, and that’s where our military/special forces, patriotic generals and the rest of the broader Q team comes in. But the goal of Q was never to fight FOR us, it was always to fight WITH us. With the majority of the population being blissfully ignorant of their own captivity, something had to change drastically in order to make this possible. Enter the biggest intel drop in the history of the world, all of it pointing toward our true captors. Our role as anons has only ever been to aggregate and disseminate this intel for the rest of the sheep, and clearly it has been working. Humanity is starting to wake up, but that’s still not enough.

For the last year, Q has helped us through this grand realization, this “Great Awakening,” by giving us access to the TRUTH about our slave masters. They have not manipulated us, they have not forced us, they have simply allowed us to figure this out on our own with a little gentle guidance along the way. This information has certainly helped open the eyes of many a sheep. Now, one of the biggest tests of our true resolve is fast approaching: the midterms.

This is our chance to finally stand up together and with one voice proclaim that we refuse to be enslaved any longer. When this happens, the cabal will truly be toast. This is what Q has been preparing us for all this time. When we vote in November, when the tidal wave of our righteous anger washes over Washington DC, we will be giving Q our consent; it will be the green light, the go-ahead to act on our behalf and finally, fully drain the swamp. Without our consent, without our participation, all of this will have been for nothing, and Q would be no better than our previous slave masters.

The Q program, all the intel drops over the past year culminating with the upcoming midterms, have only ever been about WE THE PEOPLE taking back OUR freedom on our own. We had to do it ourselves. This was always the plan.