Anonymous ID: 36f731 Sept. 29, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.3256025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6072 >>6412


All roads lead to Rome.


Required reading book: Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300.

Wow, this book lays it all out of who is the real enemy that infiltrated America


MI6, the royals, British Monarchy.

MI6 invented the CIA, Mossad, and all other intelligence agencies to control everyone.


This book will turn your stomach, over what is really going on. It has always been MI6 Travistock mind contol. This luciferian agenda committee of 300 and Club of Rome has planned every horrible event that has ever happened to the American people.


We had no idea that the queen's minions despise us.

They have millions of foundations and agencies set up all over the US, used to infiltrate and destroy us from within.


You can find an updated list of names who pledge allegiance to the bloody queen. The BAR association forces lawyers to pledge allegiance to the queen, not Americans. Social Security, Federal Reserve, IRS, and all ABC agencies are the queens.She own's the US flags with yellow fringe for her maritime law.


Nothing in the media is said without MI6 approval. They hide behind other countries, blaming them in the media, for their evil deeds.


The "Umbrella man" takes on a whole new meaning. Who was the last person JFK saw before he was shot intentionally, in front of the public? Umbrella, London fog, the queen. It was MI6's signature and a warning to all future U.S presidents for going against the Committee of 300's wishes.


Their main goal: deindustrialization in the US. They did not want us producing anything. They succeeded. They wanted to demoralize us by having no jobs, and turning to their drugs.


No wonder POTUS snubbed the bloody queen. She retaliated by the attack on POTUS, when the Secret Service agent died.

You will never know the truth until you have read this book. Mind blowing.

YT vids:

The Committee of 300

Goals of the Committee of 300

Dr. John Coleman's vids.

100 secret societies prove who runs the world.


The more you know.