Anonymous ID: 4f8a63 Sept. 29, 2018, 5:42 p.m. No.3256626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7017

>>3251259 (PB)

Most importantly ... we are FINALLY FIGHTING BACK!


Because "Red October" is an actual date ... November 7. It ties into Russian revolutionary history ... and Antifa are communists (with lots of support from others who are less obvious.)


The Hunt For Red October was locating all those likely to spill blood in the streets in relation to the mid-term elections. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Why are you sitting "idly by"? Q told you to prepare. If you think you have enough other preps, invest in body armor.


That's not doxxing.


Get a new mom. ;-)


Probably either was NOT on the BOD (along with the other BS they put out, why not a BS BOD list?) or was sold the same line of horseshit their customers were.


BOD, carries a paycheck ... usually a pretty nice one ... with little to no actual involvement in a company.


Red October actually occurs on November 7.