Anonymous ID: 50a967 Sept. 29, 2018, 5:45 p.m. No.3256681   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Seems quite possible that RR declassed the last FISA with POTUS’s permission to prove his loyalty to the cabal by doing something unethical and illegal, which is part of their playbook of hazing rituals, easily visible in this obvious scam MSM shills top to bottom pushed on their audiences to prove their loyalty to the cabal:


After most CNN hosts pushed the cabal’s blatantly fraudulent prepaid card scam whose purpose was to steal millions from the poorest Americans, Chris Cuomo finally got exasperated enough to call them out using the actual word “cabal”:


Since cabal members had intel clearance, they could make sure RR was acting in their interests, which kept them comfy, complacent, stupid and sloppy while they continued to commit crimes with impunity. Now they’re realizing that some of their shills like LG and RR have switched to the side of good and decency, and their sky is falling.