Anonymous ID: 92648c Sept. 29, 2018, 6:45 p.m. No.3257640   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7771 >>7845



I see…

In Germany we have in fact also just two parties at the moment, although we have 5 parties.

But as they were ALL following Merkel (I just wish to know how all these people are controlled!) - and just the right wing AfD is real opposition, it looks like we just have TWO parties…


But, you see, if one party/ political influence gets too dominant, people get discontent… and then sooner or later "something" will happen…


In Germany we got the AfD…

And this party is smeared like Trump by the MSM!


Guess if other parties start to free themselves from the "Merkelism" AfD might lose votes again…


That's democracy.

Anonymous ID: 92648c Sept. 29, 2018, 6:54 p.m. No.3257782   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Sexual crimes are very often without evidence. Usually you have just a "victim/witness" and the defendant.


It's difficult. We HAVE These crimes (Swinestein, Savile..) which are going back in time and which we cannot prove today.


But of course it also works the other way around.


I think #metoo was good to raise attention for the many victimes, who never dared to talk.

But now such false accusations may ruin this again.


that is sad. But we never should stop listening to victims.

Especially when dealing with "Pedogate" we will have a LOT of "old" accusations going back in time.


It's difficult. and it will be.

no easy soultions.