Anonymous ID: ce73ff Sept. 29, 2018, 6:36 p.m. No.3257490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7516

Q said Liberal Left Lunacy [Bait] in regard to the Kavanaugh situation. If the Democrats are promoting destroying a man's life without corroborating evidence (material or testimonial) for something that allegedly took place 30+ years ago, it opens up a few vulnerabilities for Democrats:


  1. Things from 30+ years ago are fair game to examine, so no appeals of "that was a long time ago, I regret who I was back then, but I have grown as a person" defenses which various people of prominence have deployed occasionally.


  1. If no supporting evidence is the low standard by which we can inflict harm on an individual, how much more can be inflicted upon evidence, both material and testimonial being shown?


  1. The Democrats are setting themselves into the standard of ALL ALLEGATIONS HAVE TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY AND INVESTIGATED.