Anonymous ID: db77a5 Sept. 29, 2018, 6:47 p.m. No.3257667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7683 >>7687 >>7714 >>7725 >>7729 >>7757 >>7763 >>7804 >>7833 >>7843 >>7892

So normally, I would vote republican straight down the ballot this coming midterm but, after this speech I have decided not to vote at all. Why?


Well, I made an off handed comment to a family member, who is pro Trump retarded.. I say retarded because it’s beyond reasonable. I consider myself pro Trump with caveats.


#1- I don’t like that Trump is so pro Israel. (But Q says Israel is last so, I am trusting the plan…. sigh.)


#2- I know that jobs numbers and the economy is supposedly doing better, but I am watching incremental rising of prices on everything including gasoline and the quality of everything getting worse or staying crappy (the China model)


There are more caveats but, I digress.


I said to my family member that these rallies are getting to be monotonous and I don’t know how Trump can keep repeating himself over and over and it’s getting hard to watch and basically I was told not to ever speak about the president in a negative manner around them again. My answer to that was -Fuck You!


The first amendment protects all speech, including things that may be deemed offensive and/or unpopular… if you don’t like it fucking move!


More and more this movement is turning people into exactly the assholes they are opposing, wanting to censor and control people’s behaviors with their opinions and chastising and castigating when those opinions do not align.


I’m fucking done.. I voted for Trump to get away from these types of assholes and now the base is turning into them with a conservative flair… it’s too fucked up for me.


You see it a lot here and on other sites, you either fall in place and tow the line or you’re a faggot, Jew, nigger, shill….


Well, for all you assholes you lost a guaranteed republican full ticket vote in an important swing state… I don’t fucking care anymore.


I got my preps and my protection, train in survival and I’m ready to go at a moments notice, fuck it let it burn…

Anonymous ID: db77a5 Sept. 29, 2018, 7:03 p.m. No.3257925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7947 >>7956 >>7969 >>8003


So I guess your smug attitude means that you have all the votes you need huh?


If that’s the case, why would potus continue to rally around the country telling people they need to vote?


Remember, come November if R’s lose it’s because you faggots created a hostile environment that has turned many conservatives off and have decided not to participate.