Anonymous ID: 06711e Sept. 29, 2018, 7:31 p.m. No.3258324   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This appears to be taking yearbook quotes and twisting them to say that Ford was hallucinating while driving. IDK, seems weak.


Yearbook quote:

“Two things sure to dampen the party spirit are parking and curfews. Leaves, snow, and trees that wander into the road make parking, and driving even more of a challenge than finding a party.”

Trees are only wandering into the road if you are tripping on LSD or some other powerful psychedelic, or, in the alternative, you’re so drunk that alcohol is causing hallucinations. That’s very drunk. That’s felony drunk.

That passage is from Scribe 82, Blasey’s sophomore year at Holton-Arms. It was in the Summer after that year that she thinks the alleged assault might have taken place.