Anonymous ID: 1ae422 Sept. 29, 2018, 7:44 p.m. No.3258526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8560 >>8742

George Webb "Quick Test of Live Stream", digs on Blassey-Ford(s) and gets a "Strike"


George Webb posts video to "see if live-stream works" and drops this bomber. I post this because it involves a current dig on Ford. When an internet journo (he says he is NOT Mossad in video) is detained by Naval cops because he was (doing what?), it becomes part of the "movie".


Notables from vid

0 - Wants to see if live stream worked

According to Webb, he (and another?):

1 - Was in neighborhood of Christine Blassey-Ford's house

2 - Was in the neighborhood of Ralph Blassey's house (same house?).

3 - (We) Deliberately drove away from the house and then

4 - Drove to Naval Service Warfare Center to show how close distance it was to their house(s).

5 - Video was taken/removed from them (by ?, Naval Intel/Security), and GW removes,(deletes?) other video he took ("doesn't want to intimidate or anything like that").

6 - Repeats 1-4 a few times revealing two seperate homes

7- Reveals Blassey-Ford went from being a Stanford Research Psychologist to making eight changes to her profile before she went to testify and then finally then end up at "Affiliate", likens a Stanford "affiliate" to a janitor.

8 - Trump arrives (flies in) one minute into one of his videos ("schtick") along with two Marine One helicopters (for the planefags)

9 - Repeats #0

9 - Reveals he got a "strike" (ticket?) for maybe being "too close" but he "really tried to not get too close" (to what? Ford? Blassey? Navy Center?)

10 - "We were at the house, or where actually I thought the house was, the, the mansion was, um, and, anyway they thought that was close enough to get a strike. Um, I think they know what street they live on and not the fake street (wha?)…" Says he's not going to disclose that.

11 - Says this isn't about intimidating them, wants them to come forward with their story.. Wants to tell truth about history of Ralph and his involvement with C_A (founder of undergraduate C_A program at Standford?), says Blasey-Ford inherited program from Blassey and she overstated her resume, they added a degree, not a psychologist "doctor", but a mail-order Palo Alto University. Calls them C_A school plays.

12 - Obviously doesn't like Kavanaugh

13 - Signs off, repeats #0

14 - Says all five accusers have weak story

15 - Says "I was not one of, just to to cover, accuser #3, with Julie Swetnik (sp?), um, I'm not Mossad operative recruited by Julie Swetnik, I never worked for LE for Mossad, um I had a couple of friends in different organizations in Europe and they're "art dealers…and antique dealers"…so…I'm not Mossad." then disavows any connection to Julie, wants to her what she has to say.


Hahaha, he goes on a little, calls it a "DNC Fake School Play" going on.


Thought it should be add to the Ford crumbs. Task Force…

Anonymous ID: 1ae422 Sept. 29, 2018, 7:59 p.m. No.3258778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8891



This ^^^.


When Gabby Gifford miraculously survived (Judge die, go figure), it came out there was a local production company, Radion Helix Media, that were found to be involved in production and actors also involving a family of these actors who are found coincidentally in other FF's.