Anonymous ID: 6024e8 Sept. 29, 2018, 7:19 p.m. No.3258172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8200 >>8260

When the accumulation of sealed indictments began with gusto at the end of October/early November 2017, I would read through the update listings as they were posted every month, noting the areas with largest numbers. Eastern VA, (where many of the deep state nimrods live), NYC, S.FL, - all the accumulated numbers in those court districts made sense. One district, however, remained a mystery: SoCal. I expected that region to have a massive accumulation of indictments given that SoCal is a large population area, and especially because of Hwood. The large accumulations I noticed in Central CA district made sense because that would be Sacramento, with NoCal being San Fran. That is generally how the state is broken up in terms of general geographical identification.


Recently, it occured to me to dig further into the four CA court districts. I learned that I was wrong the entire time regading the district geography. It turns out that SoCal district includes only the two counties along the US/Mexico border, with San Diego as the largest city in that district. According to the district map, Central California includes Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara and San Louis Obispo Counties! That is massive, and explains why the indictment numbers for that court district are so high. A lot of lib crooks and evil (Hwood). Northern Ca, with San Francisco and Silicon Valley also has a high indictment count. Bye @jack. Eastern CA includes Sacramento. The numbers all make sense now.


Incuded picture is a count listing up through the end of June, when it had 40K+ indictments.