Anonymous ID: 72e884 Sept. 29, 2018, 7:33 p.m. No.3258365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8391

Consider this:

You are ahead in the game, and your opponent has made a major mistake.

You can jump up and down, pound on your chest and claim victory, and rub it in their faces…

Or you can position yourself to appear weak and vulnerable.


The panic and fear your opponent feels, prompts them to go to extremes as they go on the offensive. But they do not have a clearly defined plan, so each team member begins to freestyle, and their each of their individual actions are what will lead to their team's downfall, because one will surely make a fatal mistake.


Long ago the chessFags made this point numerous times and the clockFags are indicating the same things are happening again. My take on this is that we are so far ahead in the game that we can sit back and watch it happen. But we must continue (increase) the impression (fear) what we are vulnerable with endless streams of memes and redpilling the masses.


I have no doubt that in the end we will Win.