Anonymous ID: ad752b Sept. 29, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.3258552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8717

Makes sense now..


Q once responded anonymously "How do you break the firewall" (context of censorship when shadowbanning was first learned ie Twat hashtags)


Been mulling it for weeks…..


Then Q tells us to ready the memes then deploy the memes..


So the answer was:


With a trojan horse… (memes)

or brute force? (again, memes)


When we overload their networks with the memes, do we trigger the darkness?


My autism is numbers, this baited cryptopolitical counter-witch hunt seems far too unbelievable any more, all leading to open ended conjecture with narry a shred of proof to reinforce non-coincidences.


Time to get this show rolling, Q. Earn our votes. More importantly, earn THEIR votes.