Anonymous ID: df9dea Sept. 29, 2018, 7:37 p.m. No.3258409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8429 >>8440 >>8442 >>8450 >>8456 >>8462 >>8508 >>8617 >>8733 >>8755



My wife invites a liberal friend of her over tonight. She says to me “you’ll love this, I’m teaching a Sunday school class tmw at our church”.


I ask, what is it about. She answers “sexual education to 10 year olds”


I say “that’s why I don’t attend church”


My wife stops it b4 I go into my “the same Pharisees that Jesus fought against are same people running the organized catholic and Christian religions, and they’re the people behind the teachings of the Talmud, which excuses pedophilia, murdering of non-Jews, etc speech.


I’m just taking a smoke break now but I guarantee a round 2.


To summarize, this is exactly what Jesus told us to expect during these end times we live in.


The end is nigh. Or as Q says, the end is near.


RANT OVER, thx for listening. I feel better