Anonymous ID: 339727 Feb. 10, 2018, 4:46 a.m. No.326454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6467

I have been here since Q began Oct 2017 but just lurked and learned. Today I posted twice, but usually just research for myself and trying to redpill family (7 brothers and sisters–3 awake but rest have heavily calcified pineal glands and mockingbird-zombified)

I have been awake for 25 years and I had been telling people a lot of the vast evil goings-on forever and connecting dots!

They thought I was just the crazy/conspiracy nut of the family.

Until now.

Even my 87 yr old mother has loved President Trump since Day 1 !!  We're Canadian and I don't think I need to expand upon the traitor-puppet globalist lapdog turdeau we have up here. So SORRY for the libtards having put that guy as our PM in our country!! We truly all do despise him, regardless what CBC fake news is paid to say.


Q, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! and also GREAT WORK !! the Q Maps of this heavy operation are fine work and Thank You! to all anons on this board, all military (I have a lot of military family!) LE and PATRIOTS from around the world.

So happy JUSTICE will be meted out to these unsavoury, psychotic, amoral, ruthless baby-murdering pedo/satan cult of sub-humans!!

Thank you again ! I will return to lurking.

Anonymous ID: 339727 Feb. 10, 2018, 5:13 a.m. No.326576   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"That's the worst part. Clowns install their puppet then have the hubris to tell you that you like it!"


So true! Their twisting everything has been psychologically, spiritually draining, That is the part that has really hurt me the most! But moreso for my family and friends that are mesmorized and incapable now of seeing the truth! I have never wavered in the quest for justice for them and all people!!