Anonymous ID: 381f01 Sept. 29, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.3259029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9049 >>9288 >>9667

ACXIOM (owned by C.I.A.-led Blackrock, controlled by Hillary) moving “data onboarding” operation from Little Rock, AR to China;


Hillary’s man Jerry C. Jones dumps his stock ahead of announcement to shareholders


On Dec. 01, 2017, NIST published the (treasonous) CENC findings whose advisors are the tech-left of Silicon Valley, chaired by BLACKROCK’S chairman Thomas E. Donilon and co-chaired by IBM’S former chairman Samuel J. Palmisano. See


On Jul. 02, 2018, ACXIOM announced to shareholders that it was selling to a Shanghai, Chinese company.


On Aug. 14, 2018, controlling ACXIOM Officer Jerry C. Jones just dumped $2.2 million in personal Acxiom stock ahead of the announcement; sold in the USA.


Acxiom’s largest shareholder is Blackrock, the world’s largest C.I.A.-controlled shadow bank; Blackrock went public one month before Clinton abolished Glass-Steagall and then led the way in the ill-fated mortgage-backed securities fiasco. Blackrock chair Thomas E. Donilon co-chaired with IBM’s Samuel J. Palmisano Obama’s “Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity”(Feb. 09, 2016) while also strengthening his 8,000 stay-behinds in the Senior Executive Service (SES). Donilon is currently a C.I.A. advisor.


On Sep. 17, 2018, ACXIOM issued a press notice to shareholders describing how their shares would be transferred to Shanghai, China and be awarded from China in the future, and that they could only sell their shares in China, managed by HSBC.



Anonymous ID: 381f01 Sept. 29, 2018, 8:19 p.m. No.3259065   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Officials Promise "Dirty Money" Crackdown As Vancouver Housing Market Grinds To A Halt


Thanks to an influx of demand from Chinese nationals and other foreigners, Vancouver's housing market soared in the post-crisis years, with prices more than doubling to levels that were clearly unsustainable, cementing the Pacific Northwest metropolis' status as the most unaffordable housing market in North America. But the torrid growth ground to a halt earlier this year as home sales plummeted, along with construction of new homes and apartments.

Anonymous ID: 381f01 Sept. 29, 2018, 8:31 p.m. No.3259261   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California Gov. Jerry Brown’s Expanded Gun Laws Include Confiscation, Age Requirements


California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) signed legislation Friday to expand the state’s gun confiscation law and raise the minimum age for long gun purchases to 21.


Reuters reports that Brown’s signature expands California’s gun violence restraining orders, which allow firearms to be confiscated from residents under court order. The new law “makes it easier for family members and police to take firearms and ammunition away from people.”


The law raising the minimum age for long gun purchases was pushed as a response to the use of a rifle by a 19-year-old in Florida’s February 14, 2018, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School attack. The law’s sponsor, State Sen. Anthony Portantino (D), said, “No parent should have to worry that a gun gets in the wrong hands and commits a heinous and violent tragedy on our school campuses.”


The law imposing a new minimum age for rifle purchases invites a lawsuit from the NRA, which is already suing Florida over a similar rule. (Federal law allows 18-year-olds to purchase long guns.)


The new gun controls take effect January 1, 2019.


California already has universal background checks, gun registration requirements, gun confiscation laws, a ten-day waiting period on gun purchases, a requirement that residents obtain a firearm safety certificate from the state before buying a gun, and a one-handgun-a-month purchase limit. The state also has “good cause” limitations on concealed carry permit issuance, Gun Violence Restraining Orders, an “assault weapons” ban, a law against buying ammunition from out of state, and the allowance of gun sales only from a state-approved roster of handguns.


Yet on September 12, 2018, a 54-year-old man shot and killed five innocents in Bakersfield, California, with a handgun.

Anonymous ID: 381f01 Sept. 29, 2018, 8:39 p.m. No.3259396   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FFS the fact they have a minister who has such a title shows this for what it is!


Germany: Call for ‘Unity’ After Afghan Migrant Stabs Three in Town Centre


The state minister for integration has warned Germans against the “hatred and malice” of anyone who might draw political conclusions after an Afghan migrant stabbed three people in Ravensburg town centre.


A 21-year-old asylum seeker was taken into custody on Friday following the broad daylight attack in the Baden-Wuerttemberg town, which saw the migrant stab two passers-by at a bus stop before knifing a 52-year-old who tried to stop him with a restaurant chair several times.


Two Syrian asylum seekers aged 19 and 20 and a German were rushed to hospital, with one of the three having suffered life-threatening injuries, according to police.


Prosecutors said the suspect, who was previously reported to be 19-years-old, was suffering from mental illness and has been taken to a psychiatric facility, and revealed that the background of the attack was thought to be a workplace dispute.


Local media reports that the Afghan “had intended to settle this conflict with a colleague” on Friday afternoon in the town centre, but decided to attack random pedestrians when he didn’t show up.


Appealing for citizens to “stand together now”, Baden-Wuerttemberg integration minister Manne Lucha claimed he was shocked that such violence had taken place in Ravensburg.


“It goes without saying that the perpetrator will be held accountable with every means available to us … and, at the same time we will not let up in our continuing integration efforts across this city and beyond,” the Green politician said.


But he added: “We will not allow ourselves to be divided by people who would abuse this terrible act for political purposes by spewing hatred and malice on all of us who stand up for unity in this city.”


Lucha also thanked Ravensburg’s town mayor, Daniel Rapp, who — in an unusual turn of events — had been the one who apprehended the suspect on Friday afternoon, as he happened to be in the area.


“I just happened to be around … and suddenly the culprit was standing in front of me with a bloody knife and threatening me,” Rapp said, telling news agency dpa he “told him he should put the knife on the floor”.

Anonymous ID: 381f01 Sept. 29, 2018, 8:48 p.m. No.3259532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9604

'I'm done being silent': Woman inspired by Dr Christine Ford testimony names Washington state senator as man who raped her on graduation night in 2007


Candace Faber, 35, tweeted that Republican Sen. Joe Fain raped her in 2007

She named Fain as her rapist in a tweet Thursday and said she was inspired by Dr Christine Blasey Ford's Senate testimony

Faber had previously written an poem detailing how a man she met 'at the Capitol' had raped her shortly after she graduated from Georgetown University

Fain has denied Faber's claim and called for an investigation


A woman has accused a Washington state lawmaker of raping her 11 years ago, saying she was inspired to speak out following the televised allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.


In a tweet Thursday afternoon, Candace Faber, 35, of Seattle, Washington, said Republican state Sen. Joe Fain sexually assaulted her in 2007.


Faber's revelation followed a morning and afternoon spent tweeting out commentary on Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's Senate testimony as it was broadcast live.


'Is anyone else just fed up and ready to name names? Because I am!' Faber tweeted about 20 minutes after the hearings.


'If it’s bad that Blasey Ford waited to raise this until Kavanaugh got to the highest levels of government, then maybe the rest of us shouldn’t sit on our secrets just crossing our fingers that they won’t come into more power.


'So okay, let’s do it,' she continued. '@senatorfain, you raped me the night I graduated from Georgetown in 2007. Then you had the audacity to ask me to support your campaign. I’ve been terrified of running into you since moving home and seeing your name everywhere. I’m done being silent.'