Anonymous ID: 860fa3 Sept. 29, 2018, 8:54 p.m. No.3259617   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fellow Anons:


I had nothing else to do today but I had a nagging thought of how many lawyers sat on the Senate Judiciary Committee. And how many of them failed in their oath of office.


21 Members, 16 of which are attorneys and 9 are Senate Minority.


See Pics:


If each lawyer took both oaths and upheld them, someone tell me how 9 of 16 lawyers failed to honor/give Judge Brett Kavanaugh his constitutional rights. Especially, AS THEY TOOK AN OATH NOT ONCE BUT AT LEAST TWICE IN THEIR LIFE TO UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.


Q: A little math quiz based on “new math”, how many oath’s have been broken by the Senate Minority by not serving to uphold the Constitution of the United States?


A: 18, to break it down to the twits: 9 lawyers on Senate Minority Judiciary, 2 oaths taken by each (1 at time of becoming a lawyer & 1 when being sworn in when taking office)


Q: What legal recourse does an American citizen have to hold these citizens accountable?


A: VOTE THEM OUT IN NOVEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because you may be next.