Anonymous ID: d5409d Sept. 29, 2018, 8:22 p.m. No.3259116   🗄️.is 🔗kun

TY Baker!!!


>>3258730 (lb)

No, they didn't. They just traded masters.


>>3258939 (lb)

>If anyone can pull it off, its America.

100% correct, anon. It'll still be a miracle.

Anonymous ID: d5409d Sept. 29, 2018, 8:49 p.m. No.3259560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9588 >>9603



OK; let's put this into perspective:

  1. Seth Rich had DNC emails; incriminating ones.

  2. Seth conspired with his brother to share those emails for cash to WL.

  3. WL payed top dollar for those emails.

  4. Seth and Aaron got paid.

  5. Seth got whacked because Podesta found out, and Aaron played weasel.

  6. Aaron, perpetuating the cover-up, would take legal action against anyone investigating Seth's murder (cooperation with the DNC). In the meantime, Rich family enjoys the "fruits" of Seth's labors (and lives in fear of doing anything outside of the "agreement").

  7. MS-13 people that did the job got whacked (expendable).

  8. Aaron stayed breathing while "playing his part" (fighting independent investigations).

  9. Seth's murder will turn out to be some "Patriot that did a good deed" while these truths will be obscured from public view.


OK, so now that you know the truth on that one, what's the deal with Lori?

  1. She was super churchy

  2. Just got married!

  3. Worked in politics for Joe, the rethuglican.

  4. Was close to Joe; like really close (Joe says the opposite, so you know that to believe).

  5. Something happened.

  6. She "Heart attacked, and dieded" in his fucking office.

  7. Joe's 100% to blame

  8. Lori is 100% "didn't do a fucking thing wrong" in her life, including never masturbated, or took a photo in color outside of that newspaper submission.


This shit is way more complicated than anyone wants to admit, or even remotely acknowledge. Joe's heartlessness earned him a seat next to a well connected Mika. If you are willing to just kill someone (and get away with it) for personal gain, you get a "seat at the table".


That's how this works. Let's face it; Lori was no angel, but had no fucking clue what she was doing in the world of villains. Let's not forget that the ONLY picture you'll find of her is the black and white one in the newspaper.


Yeah, that's not fucked up or suspicious at all.