Anonymous ID: 57d5e0 Sept. 29, 2018, 9:14 p.m. No.3259887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9905 >>9909


Porn has become a major problem in society, pushing sexual degeneracy on the masses like never before. Notice how the front page of every porn site has material that would be considered incredibly disturbing even a few years ago? Simulated children, simulated incest, cuckolding. etc?


I've looked into it and found that the heart of the porn industry lies within a secretive company called MindGeek, whose main office is in Luxembourg, but has an office in LA. They're an "influencing company" ( whose main goal seems to be to push certain types of content to the masses. Notice how their website doesn't actually say what they do and uses so much evasive language? Because they actively push certain content onto porn sites to try to influence the masses.


They own PornHub, Brazzers, XVideos, and a whole lot of other familiar names. Porn stars get blacklisted from the industry when they even mention MindGeek.


If anyone more disgusted by porn than myself reads this and wants to take action: MindGeek is your target. Not the small puppet names they use such as PornHub.


How do we deal with them and their almost conspiratorial hold on the industry?

Anonymous ID: 57d5e0 Sept. 29, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.3259905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9919 >>0085 >>0265




A request for weaponized autism

All professional anons sign on because we need your help taking out the biggest Jew on Earth. The pornographic Jew. Incase you didn't know, I'll fill you in (Pun not intended), MindGeek is the parent company of EVERY SINGLE MAJOR PORN SITE ON THE INTERNET. Their employee list is PUBLIC. We can start putting some real pressure on these people if we uproot the Jew from down below.

The thing is, you need a linkedin profile with connections to find out who's profile is who's. Anyone who is in video or photo editing, we need you and your connections to help find these people. A lot of these people have profile pictures, which we can reverse image search to find out who they are.

We can seriously attack the Jew on this end, imagine a list of all the people you know for a fact betrayed your race and people. This is what we have right now. 666 employees (Yes I'm not shitting you). Now this is 67 pages of employees, 666 people to find out who they are and their families. Once we got a comprehensive list, we can start a smear campaign against each of them. It would be also smart to forward it to local sympathetic organizations who'd be willing to tell the neighborhood of these people and their jobs. I'm sure they'd welcome a person working for a pornography company living in the same neighborhood as their children. Most of these fuckers are Canadian, which figures.

Anonymous ID: 57d5e0 Sept. 29, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.3259919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0265 >>0283


Things to do

>Find names of board of directors of MindGeek

>Find sponsors of MindGeek websites

>Find address of all MindGeek facilities.

>Find names and family members of all MindGeek employees.

>Identify key members such as "Product Management and quality control", "Talent Recruitment", "Content editing", "Video/photo editing"

These people are the ones actually looking for people to exploit and distribute this content. I personally have a vendetta against the fuckers in marketing and advertising, these people are the ones who keep making those ads where the pornstars look like they're underage. Its pedo bait and I fucking hate it.


That I could find myself with my connections (Photographs of the people I can't connect with but may have important connections into the porn industry)

Linkdin employee page

Watch out while using this, don't click on any profiles or else you'll reverse doxx yourself

This is big, very big. If we can take out these people from the job market and make Mindgeek a hostile place to work at, we can pretty much destroy the Jewish foothold on American sexuality. Damn near every American boy watches pornography, this is an influence that no one else has and the Jews know it. This is probably our best chance to reverse it.


These 666 people have taken root into the entire world through their degenerate and disgusting filth. Removing this shit from the market is a public service. This will take a long time and I need all the help I can get, but no one thought that removing the Jewish tentacles would be easy. This list is a massive break for us.