Anonymous ID: b4be81 Sept. 29, 2018, 9:25 p.m. No.3260049   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0078 >>0092


fwiw baker, dug on it weeks ago, info is solid. Didn't know about the move to China (that was new to me, hence why I wondered if you wanted to make it notable). My vote goes to yes b/c even repeated exposure can lead to more digs but your call in the end.

Anonymous ID: b4be81 Sept. 29, 2018, 9:44 p.m. No.3260305   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0313 >>0327 >>0377


>>3260174 this should do the trick

BAKER NOTABLE use this post to link


Title: Clown/C_A Op ACXIOM (Hillary connected) announces move from Little Rock (AR) to China


ACXIOM (owned by C.I.A.-led Blackrock, controlled by Hillary) moving “data onboarding” operation from Little Rock, AR to China;


Hillary’s man Jerry C. Jones dumps his stock ahead of announcement to shareholders


On Dec. 01, 2017, NIST published the (treasonous) CENC findings whose advisors are the tech-left of Silicon Valley, chaired by BLACKROCK’S chairman Thomas E. Donilon and co-chaired by IBM’S former chairman Samuel J. Palmisano. See


On Jul. 02, 2018, ACXIOM announced to shareholders that it was selling to a Shanghai, Chinese company.


On Aug. 14, 2018, controlling ACXIOM Officer Jerry C. Jones just dumped $2.2 million in personal Acxiom stock ahead of the announcement; sold in the USA.


Acxiom’s largest shareholder is Blackrock, the world’s largest C.I.A.-controlled shadow bank; Blackrock went public one month before Clinton abolished Glass-Steagall and then led the way in the ill-fated mortgage-backed securities fiasco. Blackrock chair Thomas E. Donilon co-chaired with IBM’s Samuel J. Palmisano Obama’s “Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity”(Feb. 09, 2016) while also strengthening his 8,000 stay-behinds in the Senior Executive Service (SES). Donilon is currently a C.I.A. advisor.


On Sep. 17, 2018, ACXIOM issued a press notice to shareholders describing how their shares would be transferred to Shanghai, China and be awarded from China in the future, and that they could only sell their shares in China, managed by HSBC.




orig from bread #4128 >>3259029 (pb)