Anonymous ID: 5800ec Sept. 29, 2018, 10:55 p.m. No.3261043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1290

Blasey Ford Senate Jud Cmte Hearing:

Feinstein —Katz —> their polygraph man — WaPo collusion


Prosecutor Mitchel made clear in her questioning that Feinstein was controlling BlaseyFord.

Feinstein led Blasey Ford to retain “for free” atty Katz. Katz was also atty for accuser Swetnik in a N.Y. Life employment sex harassment case.


After getting Feinstein’s atty Katz then Blasey Ford was led into taking a polygraph test at hotel by testor Jerry chosen /funded by Feinstein-Katz. Seems from Mitchell’s questions, attys have not submitted all the polygraph data on August 7.


Looks like Wash Post is also conspiring with Feinstein because Blasey Ford gave Emma Brown of WaPo the smear story as early as July 10th; but WaPo held it until given the “GO” signal from Feinstein around Sept 16 after the Kavanaugh hearings were done Sept 7.