Anonymous ID: 6eb4f5 Sept. 29, 2018, 10:56 p.m. No.3261052   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Long but really exceptional thread by Gigi Sims

Sums up the Leftist globalism/Marxism plan perfectly.

Rules for thee, but not for me.

Look especially at the "recruiting" posts for "young people with wealth" as new members for the Tides Foundation.

An urgent target for 2019 and 2020 is for Charles Rettig at IRS to audit and make DAMN sure all the weaponized non-profit orgs have been toeing the line.

Sweet payback for Lois Lerner's fuckery.

Save to read tomorrow if need be, but urging anons not to miss this.




"International governments, along with the United Nations, corporations, & the wealthiest families in the world have created an infinite body of NGOs which are molding state & private education curricula to program the next generation to achieve their goals.


5) Facts about American history, traditions, & patriotism, are being phased out of education. A plan to bring about the death of the American dollar to exchange it with a new global currency for the new sustainable world will emerge. Equality means that individualism must die.


6) Inclusion, equality, privilege, philanthropy, democratic, ally, accomplice, wealth equity, racial equity, and others are but a few words which no longer retain their traditional meaning in the world of social justice."