Anonymous ID: 72d20d Sept. 29, 2018, 10:49 p.m. No.3260992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1040 >>1050 >>1075

Working on the interior plane pic. I was gone earlier today.


Couple things.


1.) Name of pic was alert bahw.. bahw means “space” in arabic. See pic above for word meaning. I dont think this picture was for us. It could be Hussein, could be any of the Mooselip Sisterhood members in Husseins Admin.. John Brennan could have been there.. not sure of the security on the net there on each monitor..or the wifi in general on the plane…


Think it was to let them know we know their moves. The arabic word is important and think it leads to someone areound MB or someone who is of mooselip faith.


2.) each plane has a unique interior, unless the fleet is the same, either way the airline will have specific designs/colors for the “business section”/whole interior. We should be able to narrow it down. So Looking through images, looks like it could be United for the color scheme and layout. Not 100% but close.. I just thought i would post this up to help in it all.


We know Feinstein had a trip to China at one point. Anyone get make and model/year of car? Will look at that next.


Sidenote. The TFC could be (change in destination)

Anonymous ID: 72d20d Sept. 29, 2018, 11:13 p.m. No.3261199   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yep. I think it is also. Making me think.. who has to fly on commercial flights, has security (air guard patrol).. the title says alert bahw (bahw being Arabic but could somehow be a slang term meaning area or situation).