Anonymous ID: 81c339 Sept. 29, 2018, 11:12 p.m. No.3261192   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Also the Bond theme music (SKYFALL was in production at the time) at 2012 London Olympics with Queen and Daniel Craig is another connection.

Danny Boyle, Creative Director of Olympics was scheduled to direst new Bond film to follow Skyfall but pulled out earlier this year.


Danny Boyle wasn't trusted with lucrative 007 franchise out of fears he'd turn James Bond into a '#MeToo socialist spy'


Sam Mendes, who Directed Skyfall, had a different vision for Bond and Britain.


Don't believe anti Brexit Guardian newspaper that Danny Boyle's vision will save Britain post-Brexit - he's a closet Socialist. It was Sam Mendes in Skyfall who portrayed Britain as rejecting internationalism.


"Look back to Sam Mendes’ Skyfall (2012) and you’ll see inspiration taken from the 7/7 bombings of London’s transport network. Skyfall dramatises a self-questioning Britain, no longer trustful of the international model of espionage. When M (Judi Dench) attends a parliamentary inquiry into the running of MI6, she explains to the chair:


Our enemies are no longer known to us. They don’t exist on a map. They’re not nations. They’re individuals.


Skyfall is all about saving the UK from its own, and rescuing it in the face of supranationalist political terrorism. It focuses on restoring unity to the UK’s nations, while rejecting internationalist politics. Towards the beginning of the film, during a psychometric test, Bond’s own trigger-word response to “country” is “England”. The UK, like Bond himself, is fractured."