Anonymous ID: e50110 Sept. 29, 2018, 10:54 p.m. No.3261038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1053 >>1057 >>1058 >>1066 >>1072 >>1088 >>1122 >>1154 >>1164 >>1172 >>1269


>hav assburgas

>spend 1 year conspiracy theories

>spend 1 year QAnon

>forget frens r norms

>try n explain importance of FISA & Kavanaugh SC appointment.

>tell them a satanic cult has been ruling earth since before brith.

>tell them whole life has been lie.

>tell them 2 million mkultrad peeps .

>tell them media lying to them.

>tell them bebes cut from pregnant stomach & eaten fresh on spot for moloch.

>tell them monetary system set up to enslave us.

>tell them world war 3 was is imminent if we lose election.

>lose frens.

>continue to draw pepes in free time.