Anonymous ID: f6c941 Sept. 29, 2018, 10:17 p.m. No.3260686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0698

Interpretation of post #2298 'SPLASH1-X...'

In short: Ford was target for a missile/explosive hit -- if successful, the ridiculous and risky Ford performance stops and she is instantly martyrized, Trump blamed.


From #4125 (>>3256525) -- content: SPLASH = missile thwarted; plane in image = Ford and Co.'s plane

>>3256716, >>3257082



Q post, QMAP#2298

file name of image: AlertBAHWx71_Z9.png








Splash1-X --"splash" could mean a missile or other attack was thwarted thwarted. Perhaps Ford and her lawyers were the targets. Consider if she had died in an apparent plane hit? Her story would have been elevated to martyr status while Trump was blamed with many citizens never able to see Trump in a good light again. I could see Hillary and other top cabal players being smart enough to see Ford would be worth more dead as a martyr with a controllable story than alive telling an obviously false story as an uncontrollable liability. Perhaps only Hillary and a few knew of this missile plot. Most Democrats didn't consider the fakery so much and the plotters who seized upon Feinstein's find didn't want the Democrats to actually go 'full liar-tard' with this volatile and flimsy accusation. Only a few days after Feinstein's announcement, the Dem's 'top level cabal plotters' plans for Ford likely drifted into being a 'martyrizing 187 with Trump-frame'. Splash --> plan thwarted and the ridiculous Ford testimony actually happened to the detriment of the cabal controllers of the Dems / top Dems.


AIRG_patrol_HIGH --Air Guard, aka Air National Guard. They are patrolling heavily 'HIGH' is their mode at the moment. Perhaps an Air Guardsman caught trouble in the making, or they were the division tasked with stopping the 'missile'/bomb. Also, perhaps the Air Guard flies on certain flights routinely or in this case on assignment. Maybe they were monitored with conversations recorded.


Check_in_Z[des_TFC]381 --Perhaps gate Z with destination Italy, TFC. Unsure about 381, could relate to flight number or the craft. Could be a surveillance code.


As for the image file name, unsure what 'Alert' refers to exactly. Obviously if a missile is stopped, that would involved somebody being 'alerted' but that seems a little too easy. BAHWx71_Z9 ???