Anonymous ID: 10c800 Sept. 30, 2018, 12:02 a.m. No.3261624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1648

Got a theory on the fast unrolling of events to come and the significance of Kav's confirmation and why Dems are fighting it so badly.

Remember this Q post # 700 from Feb 9th?

[Next week]

[Next week]

[Next week]

Suicide weekend?



The confirmation process has been delayed successfully twice now. They tried the first time unsuccessfully under the excuse that they needed more time to go through all the documents being dumped.


The other two have been on a weekly basis as follows:




Now, let's take a look at this post on the clock. We see that this post lines up with October 7th, next Sunday. Suicide weekend? Could that be this coming weekend? We know thus far that FISA will drop after the confirmation of Kav. We also know from Q drops that Kav MUST be in place in order to uphold the coming Storm prosecutions & tribunals as Q makes clear by highlighting the line of questioning by Lindsey Graham.

This week is setting up to be YUGE and could very well end in suicide weekend if the theory holds true.


Other postings that fall in line with this clock date are the "GS special" and a "For God & Country, Freedom" drop. Pics included.