Anonymous ID: 11921f Sept. 29, 2018, 11:42 p.m. No.3261444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1644 >>1926

>>3261285 (LB)


>Maybe theyyre all dead, sure. But your post shows an almost JIDF >level of intentional stupidity. Learn how to think.


Yes, .... since I'm a Korean Jew. FSMH.

--- Learn to think, newbie.

You still understand Q's context.

Muh JFK Jr alive shills ==>>

yep, every time….

  • waste the bread,

  • contribute nothing to the MAP / News / Plan

  • aids & comforts the Clowns / MSM to further

distract more normies away from Q

  • past "research" has amounted to nothing

useful going forward

  • if Vincent, et al, connection real, been

Doxxed pretty obviously for MONTHS,

yet No DS Clowns have taken him out.

  • Q has not ONCE replied to anything Muh Jr

is alive, ….

  • need I go on???

And yeah, saving Israel for last, MOS clown.