Anonymous ID: 4f0c0b Sept. 29, 2018, 11:32 p.m. No.3261351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1528 >>1535 >>1988

BlaseyFord Senate Testimony:

Garrett - the airquote doppelgänger boyfriend, and Mystery guy #5


It sounds like BlaseyFord is protecting Garrett for some reason. Prosecutor Mitchell asked HOW did you meet Kavanaugh. (“Classmate connection”) Blasey Ford would not say Garrett’s name, just said it was the guy Whelan wrote about as the doppelgänger (Garrett).


BlaseyFord then said her relationship with Garrett was that they were “going out” with her airquotes for a few months, but sounds like Garrett relationship changed after the Mystery Event.


BlaseyFord then said she saw Kavanaugh at 4 to 5 more parties tho no personal interactions. Seems she wanted to slam him more - probably about heavy drinking? - but time up.


There is also guy #5.

BlaseyFord has fingered Mark Judge, PJ Smyth, Kavanaugh, Garrett (without using his name) and Mystery Guy #5 - she said “you know his name” to Mitchell.


We haven’t heard WHO the 2 guys were that contacted Senate to confess. Garrett? Mystery guy #5?


“The only one that I would like to not name, and you know who I mean”


Testimony - starts around 55:35.

BlaseyFord looks down when asked about Garrett. Dated before the event for few months, then distant after the event.