Anonymous ID: 561b41 Sept. 30, 2018, 12:34 a.m. No.3261889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1927 >>1958 >>1961

Excellent writing from Anon on QRV


Bedside reading for leftists


The game is over. You hedged your bets on the wrong team… and they lost. However, this is WAY WORSE than you could ever imagine. However much you hate Trump, If you knew what he was actually doing behind the curtain, you would surely revolt…


Trump is playing an archetype savior role (with A LOT of help) using the full powers of the presidency, the threat of the U.S. Military and the most terrifying intelligence-gathering data network ever imagined, providing a limitless advantage to his endeavors. He cannot be beat. He cannot be reasoned with. He will carry a sword of justice and excise the cancer of gobalist influence from the western world. It is his purpose. He is chosen. The most destructive military on the planet enforces his mandate.


Hillary never had a chance. Even if she was "elected" there was a plan in place to keep her from taking control. The Unthinkable. Perhaps Trump was duly elected; perhaps not. It makes no difference as Hillary's rise to power was NEVER going to be allowed.


Trump has successfully colluded with the entire conservative patriotic remnant of American government against your favored progressive, globalist, marxist geopolitical faction including Hillary and Obama. After a decades-long struggle, the globalists are now trapped. The media is imploding with an uncontrollable, toxic narrative that shifts every day now; and it isn't even their fault!


Trump has subjugated the remnants of the old guard CIA with his newly appointed director and the remaining clown actors are in shadow, scrambling to provide a reliable chain of command to their assets (they cannot). They are fragmented, de-funded, and cut off (NK) from their power structure.


NSA has been handily collecting the entirety of clown communications and archived evidences of treachery to eventually expose it through contrived DOJ "evidence raids", which allow this newly collected "evidence" to be used against them "legally" in the coming justice tsunami.


Trump's inner circle of intra-agency spies have corrupted the CIA/MSM previously reliable source network with false stories almost on a daily basis now. This is a coordinated effort to ruin the credibility of corporate media. This is why retractions are happening at an unsustainable rate.


Trump and the NSA have also been using PRISM and CIA intel to blackmail key members of the progressive globalist government and corporate network. Congressmen resigning or retiring, CEOS like Alphabet Co. resigning inexplicably. Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, and other mainstay figureheads completely excised from public influence under cover of leaked sexual harrassment "accusations" followed by a clown-constructed cover story.


What you will watch unfold this year is a scripted media-focused melodrama to "tell the official story" of HOW your entire leftist world collapsed in the year 2019 because THIS truth, the one I am giving you now, is far too volatile to be allowed to exist as history. Trump's coalition has seen it fit to tip us off to the actual happenings but YOU WILL NEVER KNOW.


What I am telling you is a fake-news conspiracy theory. My tinfoil hat has melted to my brow as I am on fire with ignorant, hateful racism, from my indellible white privledge. Trump is going to be arrested any minute now because Mueller Time.


But when that does NOT happen, and you cannot overlook the relentless flood of BAD NEWS, no longer trust your paternal corporate media, you will begin to see with your own eyes that Trump DID IN FACT accomplish his exact purpose in his American campaign…you WILL STILL refuse to accept your own senses… and choose a version of reality to which you are inevitably linked.


I realize you hate Trump, but in my opinion you don't hate him nearly enough. He IS going to destroy the vision of the world your soul craves, a fantasy that will now never manifest. He will render useless your every pitiful attempt to mitigate the coming disaster. In fact, he has already won.


I would have compassion on you and others of your station but you are simply too far gone, your consciousness in too grave a state, thus your situation; terminal. Your condition; pre-destined, designed and fabricated by men far more capable (and deviant) than you or I. As such, you are forever doomed. You cannot wake up. You will not be helped. You will die a slave, in an existential siezure of chordal cognitive dissonance.


Patriots can only promise to show no mercy to those responsible for your reprobate, incapacitated subsistence and attempt to prevent it from ever happening again.