Anonymous ID: 6454a3 Sept. 30, 2018, 12:59 a.m. No.3262001   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Are there really nukes in NY and DC?


Ted Gunderson thought there were it seems.


"1) There is an 18Kton U235 tactical nuke placed in a well shielded location in Manhattan, New York

2) There is an 18Kton U235 tactical nuke placed in a well shielded location in Washington, D.C.

3) These 2 nukes were created in a back door deal between Israel and South Africa in the 80s. 10 were built. 1 was tested several hundred miles off the coast of South Africa. This test detonation was picked up by a US KH9 satellite, and created a huge stir in the world intelligence agencies. Everyone wanted to know who did that. It later came out that it was Israeli technology with South African uranium. Israel wanted a uranium based nuke since they have a plutonium based nuclear bomb plant called Dimona. And, Israel (a fiefdom of the Rothschilds) wanted a nuke that was not based on plutonium, as the signature of such a device would lead directly back to Israel. A uranium based one would give Israel "Plausible Denyability". The US and UK wanted Israel to turn them in for destruction. The US got 6 and destroyed them. The remaining 3 went to the UK during the Thatcher administration. Only 1 made it to the UK. 2 were intercepted by Israeli arms merchants. Experts who have well documented this are Jeff Gates of ( and Phil Tourney, a USS Liberty survivor. Everyone high up in the intelligence communities knows of these nukes. There is a massive amount of classified information on this. And, Dr. Pieczenik should be able to verify this. Plus, he could contact Jeff Gates or Phil Tourney. These nukes are used to black mail the United States as was done in the Banker Bailouts of 2008. To make it clear, this is not the fault of the people of Israel. It is those who control the Israeli government. It is like what Obama is now doing to destabilize our nation and the world. It's not the fault of the American people, It is being done by those who control America. And, this nuclear black mail over the United States is what must be exposed."

Anonymous ID: 6454a3 Sept. 30, 2018, 1:03 a.m. No.3262027   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bullshit. When this board's at it's best there are shills and sheep. Some will stay that way forever. Maybe it's better for some. Get over it.

Anonymous ID: 6454a3 Sept. 30, 2018, 1:06 a.m. No.3262039   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes French headless royalty child. Taken in by England then sent to US in early 1800s and given 600 acres of land in NC. (how does THAT happen?) Go on to own TOO many companies in US.