a4f44f ID: f43c9e Sept. 29, 2018, 11:50 p.m. No.3261498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1538

Wow not sure how reliable this is?

Can anyone confirm?

link to main page at bottom.

Their is alot to go through! posted is but a sample.


H. Kavanaugh’s Blaseygate:


  1. Sept. 28 2018 Is Kavanaugh Confirmation Being Sabotaged to Delay Military Trials of the Deep State? (video): https://www.exopolitics.org/is-kavanaugh-confirmation-being-sabotaged-to-delay-military-trials-of-deep-state/


  1. Sept. 27 2018 Video of Complainant’s Lawyer Taking Payoff from the Dems (video), Sundance: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/09/27/sketchy-business-the-payoff/ Sketchy Business – The Payoff ? During a break in the testimony of Christine Blasey-Ford, Democrat Rep Sheila Jackson Lee discretely passes along an envelope to notoriously corrupt DC attorney Michael Bromwich.


  1. Tweet: Senator Feinstein Anonymous staffer says her office paid Dr. Ford’s legal retainer and polygraph fee.


  1. Sept. 27 2018 Blaseygate unsealed (video): http://www.starshipearththebigpicture.com/2018/09/29/blaseygate-unsealed-more-censored-details-emerge-video/


  1. Kavanaugh accuser Dr. Ford’s father Ralph G. Blasey Jr. was a CIA operative June 1962 to Jan. 1974, Vice President of National Savings and Trust, Wash. D.C. (the CIA’s Black Budget Bank that was taken over in 1998 by Sun Trust Bank), and was a major shareholder in that bank that was CIA linked to the investment fund BlackRock. Dr. Ford was employed as a Standford University Psychiatric professor under Dr. Frederick Timelges, who crafted the CIA mind control program, MKULTRA.



a4f44f ID: f43c9e Sept. 29, 2018, 11:54 p.m. No.3261541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1572 >>1618 >>1656 >>1825

More link at bottom can we confirm?

Although the information is entertaining on some level I don’t do anything for pure entertainment purposes. There are lessons to be learned in everything we experience. I find that I get the most out of something when I make it available to others and learn from an alternate perspective.


Released on Facebook November 25, 2017 Jarmantown, NC:


“The U.S. Marines raided the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia, this past weekend. That’s what Tom Heneghan, an international intelligence expert, and Stew Webb, a Federal whistleblower/writer, reported in this Tuesday, November 21, 2017. Citizen journalist Glenn Canady video. The Marines raiding the CIA corroborates what citizen journalist April LaJune initially reported on Saturday, November 18, 2017.


The Marines retrieved a lot of evidence implicating well known politicians of embezzlement, election rigging, identity fraud, assassination plots, murders, domestic terrorism, and pedophilia. I’ve listed the following 23 ITEMS to pique your interest and summarize what’s happening:


ITEM 1: CIA headquarters has been raided, the FBI has been neutralized, and $35 trillion of U.S. Treasury embezzled funds have been recovered. About $100 trillion has been embezzled by the Bush’s and the Clinton’s.


ITEM 2: President Donald Trump reopened the President John F. Kennedy assassination files and George H.W. Bush was behind it. JFK autopsy photographs were falsified.-(from TANK: And nothing has been done about it since)


ITEM 3: The sexual harassment outings of all these members of Congress is a mainstream media distraction for what’s really going on (U.S. Marines raid CIA Headquarters and President Trump impose military martial law) behind the scene.


ITEM 4: Alex Jones of Infowars is a traitor and national security threat who is connected with a division of the Mossad, the State of Israel’s Secret Intelligence Service.


ITEM 5: Hillary Rodham Clinton has ordered the murders, through domestic assassination squads, of Ron Brown (Commerce Secretary), William Colby (Director of Central Intelligence), Vince Foster (Deputy White House Counsel), and John F. Kennedy Jr. (son of assassinated President John F. Kennedy) — and others.


ITEM 6: Then-Republican Presidential candidate Trump was right that Sen. Ted Cruz’s father was implicated with Lee Harvey Oswald.


ITEM 7: California Rep. Adam Schiff, Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, former White House Chief of Staff for US President Barack Obama, are connected with the Mossad. Both Schiff and Emmanuel are pedophiles.


ITEM 8: Barack Obama was born in Kenya and the former President has committed identity fraud. Obama should be arrested for identity fraud.


ITEM 9: Sen. Cruz is a Canadian citizen who faked his birth certificate to become U.S. Senator and has committed identity fraud. Cruz should be arrested for identity fraud.


ITEM 10: President Trump has got the file of every journalist (e.g. Anderson Cooper [CNN/CBS], Chris Matthews [MSNBC], Wolf Blitzer [CNN] and possibly Alex Jones [InfoWars]) that’s on the CIA payroll.

