Anonymous ID: f9d3c0 Sept. 29, 2018, 11:29 p.m. No.3261315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1380 >>1400 >>1442 >>1490 >>1861

Theory regarding Q’s “we had the votes” post

The country is divided in half about Kav’s sexual assault charges.

Half think she is lying. The other half think he is a sexual predator.

As we are fully aware the left will not allow Judge K to just get voted into the highest court in the land. They will believe what the MSM has been feeding them with the concept of a bunch of old white men pushed him through and confirmed him because POTUS said so.. muh dictatorship.

We had to do the FBI investigation to clear Judge K’s good name and to prove with corroborating evidence why these allegations were brought forth. And who made them up. Hence POTUS’ vague comments before the rally tonight in WV regarding the FBI has been very busy finding things they never thought they would find and blessing in disguise (Paraphrasing)

Just my .02.