Anonymous ID: 3267d4 Sept. 30, 2018, 1:44 a.m. No.3262204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2213 >>2224 >>2307 >>2324




Consider how can Q predict things like Grassley security detail being in sync with events and timelines from nearly a year ago.

The prophecies are not few…


It is clear that we are watching events play out that have "already happened".

Like on 11.3 we are "supposed to learn" that podesta is arrested. This happened last year in the world of Anons, but to the normies it will be a movie to bring them to speed.

By playing the movie forward, no chance of retaliation is possible.


Barbara bush's death notice from the whitehouse had 2017 as the date, and was never updated or corrected.

It seems like key events are being held away from reporting, until the mainstream news is "cleaned up" or "collapses".


On 11.3 and 11.4 shit will hit the fan, but the reports will be from a year ago happenings in many cases.

On this day was POTUS's 11minute twitter outage also.


Hang on anons. It is fixing to be our calling to keep the normies away from bloodshed and explain the things that are happening to them as we know they have already played out.


Twilight zone shit is around the corner…