Anonymous ID: 3b3b4d Sept. 30, 2018, 1:35 a.m. No.3262161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2182 >>2204 >>2233 >>2242 >>2262 >>2316 >>2317

How deep is Q's rabbit hole?

What if all the political show is just a dusty layer that has to be scrubbed away before the real revelations can begin?

What happens when you attempt to Remote View Q?


<<<< is 1st of 8 blind remote-viewing sessions which ended up being focused on Q.

No, the videos do not dox Q, but rather possibly shed dark light on aspects in which

>This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!).


The presenter, who is not a Q follower, was blindly tasked with remote viewing those behind Q, and lays out a rundown of each session within the first ~10 minutes of each of 8 videos, with the (mostly full) one part removed in which the camera suddenly stopped working sessions following afterwards, which go on to detail nanotech discoveries, an upcoming global broadcast which will usher in the new paradigm, clandestine meetings and highly secured facilities.


Take it for what it is, and with a massive grain of salt. But I found it a fascinating adventure into remote viewing at the least, or a glimpse into what may lay in store with Q at the helm of the future.

Anonymous ID: 3b3b4d Sept. 30, 2018, 2:15 a.m. No.3262334   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I agree it's possible, C_A has done plenty with it, including viewing ancient martian society, though meant grain of salt in the sense that it seems Q is a lot larger in scope than a group of 10, so it may be a bit unfocused in some regards. Traversing the collective unconscious, or aether, or akashic records, or whatever name you give it ain't a simple task.



I'd watched it all through a day or two ago so I'll try a quick rundown, it goes in quite a few different tangents over the sessions.


Starts off with describing a group of people arguing over something monumental in scope, then later details groups of men on a boat (for the privacy aspect that a boat provides), while getting feelings of being near antarctica, trying to come up with a plan in regards to what they'd discovered (an object supposedly?). Also goes on to describe a sort of 'dark light' frequency


Next, goes on to try and get a closer look at some of the tech that was in a highly secured lab, which goes into more of a nanotech bent, and a possible key to immortality.


Onwards to a session that goes full event horizon, beginning with some bit about people blinking in and out, and a mass global broadcast (he seemed to feel it was some time later in the 2020's)


Another session tries to focus on the key players, who the viewer seems to get the view that (they) (Maybe those are the less than 10 that ~are~ 'Q'?) are in a wholly different plane of experience than we live in, and it is they who hold the keys to that earthchanging tech. But that a lot of things would need to change as regulations, banks, government controls, etc still hold them back.


Pretty sure I skipped a lot of stuff overall, but it gets pretty deep.



The videos aren't about Q being a remote viewer, but are focused on one remote viewer who was in the process of remote viewing Q in certain aspects.